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Research and implement best practices - for real! Not just in theory. See examples here.
At high school graduation, be able to tackle higher education OR graduate with a marketable skill that can earn money the very next day.
Shift our focus from one-for-all education to a more personalized approach & redefine what "intelligence" actually means.
Eliminate vouchers. Support charter schools & replicate innovative concepts in other charter schools as well as traditional public schools.
Stop using issues like race, class, and the dysfunctional home life of the child as an excuse for failing to properly educate them.
Stop using SAT and ACT scores in admission decisions.
Rethink outdated discipline techniques and champion ideas that focus on a child's outlook.
Stop using medication as a substitute for doing the hard work of properly raising and educating our children.
Treat broadband as essential infrastructure. Make sure every family has a reliable Internet connection.
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